📋Create an Account

To get your account on the Edgeport platform, follow the instructions below:

Create an Account

  1. Go to edgeport.com and click the Sign Up button in the top right corner:

  1. In the appeared form, specify your e-mail address in the appropriate field:

Press on Continue.

Alternatively, you can use the options below for seamless login through the linked services (GitHub or Google) using the corresponding credentials for your pre-existing accounts on these platforms.

  1. At the next step, you’ll be asked to set a password for your Edgeport account:

Please Note that for security purposes, your password must be a minimum of 8 characters in length and include at least 3 of the following options:

  • Lower case letters (a-z)

  • Upper case letters (A-Z)

  • Numbers (0-9)

  • Special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*)

Select Continue.

Set Up Two-Factor Authentication

In the next frame, you’ll be asked to additionally secure your account. Here, you have two options:

Using QR Code

Scan the shown QR code with your preferred authentication application (e.g., Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator) installed on your smartphone or tablet to get the time-based one-time password.

Enter it within the appropriate field:

If for any reason you are unable to scan the code, click the “Trouble Scanning?” link located beneath the QR image. You will be redirected to another screen, where you can copy the given character passphrase to enter it manually into your authentication app and retrieve the corresponding one-time password.

Press on Continue.

Using Mobile Phone Number

For the case you do not have any authentication app installed, you are also given the option to set up authentication by means of your mobile phone number. To do so, perform the following:

  1. Click the “Try another method” line beneath the form:

  1. In the opened screen, select the SMS line:

  1. Here, you need to provide your mobile phone number (please ensure to choose the proper country code):

Click the Continue button to have an SMS with a code sent to the number you've specified.

Please be patient, as it may take a few minutes to receive the message.

  1. Enter the code from the arrived SMS into the appropriate field and press Continue one more time.

If you have not received the code, click Resend to try again.

Also, you can switch to the Using QR code with authentication app method at any time by selecting the “Try another method line and choosing the appropriate option within the shown list.

Save the Recovery Code

After successfully completing the verification process, you’ll be provided with a recovery code. It will come in handy for you in the future in case you need to log in to your Edgeport account on a different device.

So make sure to copy and preserve the provided code, tick the “I have safely recorded this code” line, and click Continue.

Edgeport Authorization

Almost done! As the final registration step, you'll be asked to grant the Edgeport platform access to your basic profile information and email.

Click on Accept.

Congratulations! Now, you can log in to your Edgeport account and proceed with Adding a New Service.

Last updated